Out of the box, SCHEMA ST4 already offers an offline-capable full-text search including hit lists with text preview, pagination, search operators and wildcards. Already great, but there’s more!

With our extensions, you can take the search in your HTML5 productions to the next level: type ahead, weighted hit lists, additional filter options and cross-document searches are just a few features that will delight your users. With targeted customization, you can significantly improve the user experience of your ST4 productions.

Benefit from theses features

  • Search suggestions when entering search term, starting at the 3rd character (Type ahead)
  • Persistent highlighting of search terms on target pages (delete by click)
  • Weighted hit list with configurable weightings (e. g. term in titles, keywords, document names, position / frequency in the text)
  • Additional filtering options for the hit list based on metadata and taxonomies (Faceted search)
  • Search across multiple documents
  • Context information in the hit list (e. g. breadcrumb, document)

What do the additional search features look like in practice?

Benjamin Rauschenberger, doctima GmbH

Let’s get more out of your search!

Benjamin Rauschenberger

Phone: +49 (0) 911 975670 – 27
E-Mail: benjamin.rauschenberger@doctima.de

SCHEMA ST4 and doctima – a great team!

Product information, instructions, data sheets, catalogues or PowerPoint presentations – they are easily created with SCHEMA ST4 by Quanos Content Solutions. With the power of the popular editing system, you can use your content as you wish, whether in print, on the web or mobile.

We are certified gold partners of Quanos with a longstanding experience in national and international projects with SCHEMA ST4.


doctima ist Goldpartner der Quanos Solutions GmbH, Anbieter des Redaktionssystems SCHEMA ST4